Complete Bare Metal Automation

SynergyCP is an on-premises platform that handles the complete management of bare metal for businesses of any size.

What is Synergy Control Panel?

The team that built this product uses it every day to serve the customers of our bare metal hosting company. With over a thousand servers across six different locations, the features built into this program have brought unprecedented growth for our company and have empowered us to serve more customers with less support load. We’ve faced all the same problems as your business and present a solution that’s customizable enough to stand the test of time.
feature 1
Unattended Operating
System Reloads
feature 2
User-friendly Client Side Interface for server tenants
feature 3
Bandwidth usage tracking and viewing
feature 4
Full featured compatibility,
out of the box
feature 5
Extensible and integrable with a simple and powerful API
feature 6
Automatic suspension in cases of bandwidth overage & abuse

Ready to get started?

We offer a 30 day free trial. Try us today and experience the full value of SynergyCP. Once you're ready, we charge a monthly rate dependent on the number of servers and your product support needs.
begin free trial